Schillerhaus Frankfurt

Schillerhaus Frankfurt

Schillerhaus Frankfurt Post-closing phase following acquisition of an office building Services provided by Franke & Thomsen: Short-term project governance and capital expenditure measures in accordance with technical due diligence Client: Brooktorkai Propco S.à.r.l. Architect: Léon Wohlhage Wernik Architekten GFA: 12,500 m² Project duration: 2019–2020 Project address: Schillerstrasse 18–20 / Grosse Eschenheimer Strasse 13– 15, 60313 […]

Potsdamer Platz 10 Berlin

Potsdamer Platz 10, Berlin

Potsdamer Platz 10 Berlin Post-closing phase following acquisition of an office building Services provided by Franke & Thomsen: Short-term project governance and measures in accordance with technical due diligence Building owner: A+T Projektentwicklung Client: L’Etoile Properties Mundo GmbH, Hamburg Architect: SAA Schweger Architekten; Hamburg GFA: 25,000 m² Project duration: 2019–2020 Project address: Potsdamer Platz 10 […]

Grand Central Frankfurt

Grand Central Frankfurt

Grand Central Frankfurt Construction of a new office building Services provided by Franke & Thomsen: Crisis management due to scheduling delays Client: Grand Railway S.A.R.L Architect / Planning: Sweco GmbH, Jo. Franzke Generalplaner GmbH Bremen GFA: 84,500 m² Project duration: 2019–2024 Project address: Adam-Riese-Strasse 11–13, 60327 Frankfurt am Main, Germany At the new Group headquarters […]

Oper 46 Frankfurt

Oper 46, Frankfurt

Oper 46 Frankfurt Post-closing phase following acquisition of an office building Services provided by Franke & Thomsen: Short-term project governance and capital expenditure measures in accordance with technical due diligence Client: L’Etoile Properties Mundo GmbH, Hamburg Architect: de Metz Forbes Knight Architects Ltd., GFA: 9,000 m² Project duration: 2019–2020 Project address: Bockenheimer Anlage 46, 60323 […]

WeWork Stresemannquartier Berlin

WeWork Berlin - Stresemannquartier

WeWork – Stresemannquartier Berlin Refurbishment of an office building by the tenant Services provided by Franke & Thomsen: Owner representation in a refurbishment project Client: L’Etoile Properties Mundo GmbH, Hamburg Architect / Planning:Bernd Albers, Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH GFA: 16,800 m² Project duration: 2019–2020 Project address: Stresemannstrasse 123–127, 10963 Berlin At the Stresemannquartier in Berlin, […]

Telecampus Hamburg

Telecampus Hamburg

Telecampus Hamburg Post-closing phase following acquisition of an office building Services provided by Franke & Thomsen: Project management for the rectification of remaining defects Building owner: L’Etoile Properties Mundo GmbH, Hamburg Architect: ksp Jürgen Engel Architekten, Hamburg GFA: 47,930 m² Project duration: 2020–2021 Project address: Überseering 2, 22297 Hamburg, Germany At the “Telecampus” in Hamburg, […]

Valentinshof Hamburg

Valentinshof Hamburg

Valentinshof Hamburg Refurbishment and renovation Services provided by Franke & Thomsen: Managing the rectification of defects Project duration: 2020 This property is part of the “TOP 5 Portfolio”, which represented the third-largest real estate transaction in Germany in 2019. In this project, Franke & Thomsen provided consulting services regarding investment and asset management in the […]

Neuer Zollhof Düsseldorf

Neuer Zollhof Düsseldorf

Neuer Zollhof Düsseldorf Construction of a new office building Services provided by Büro Franke: Client representation Client: Private Architect: Frank O. Gehry Architects Project duration: 1997 Project address: Neuer Zollhof 1–3, 40221 Düsseldorf, Germany The Neuer Zollhof building ensemble in Düsseldorf was designed by Frank Gehry in the USA and comprises three buildings featuring different […]

Office building Hafencity Hamburg

Bürogebäude Hamburg-Hafencity

Office building Hafencity Hamburg Construction of a new office building opposite the Elbphilharmonie concert hall Services provided by Büro Franke: Implementation planning, call for tenders (performance phases 5–7) Client: Garbe Immobilien GmbH Architect: Prof. Meurer, Frankfurt am Main Project duration: 2006–2007 Project address: Versmannstrasse 2, 20457 Hamburg, Germany This new office building is located directly opposite […]

Brooktorkai office building Hamburg

Bürogebäude Brooktorkai Hamburg

Brooktorkai office building Hamburg Post-closing phase following acquisition of an office building Services provided by Franke & Thomsen: Short-term project governance and capital expenditure measures in accordance with technical due diligence Client: Brooktorkai Propco S.A.R.L Architect: Störmer Murphy and Partners, Hamburg GFA: 22,880 m² Project duration: 2019 Project address: Brooktorkai 20, 22457 Hamburg, Germany This […]