Telecampus Hamburg

Post-closing phase following acquisition of an office building

Services provided by Franke & Thomsen: Project management for the rectification of remaining defects

Building owner: L’Etoile Properties Mundo GmbH, Hamburg

Architect: ksp Jürgen Engel Architekten, Hamburg

GFA: 47,930 m²

Project duration: 2020–2021

Project address: Überseering 2, 22297 Hamburg, Germany

At the “Telecampus” in Hamburg, the building housing the regional administrative offices of the telecommunications company Deutsche Telekom, Franke & Thomsen managed the post-acquisition upgrading measures and rectification of defects and provided the investor with post-closing consulting services.
Telecampus Hamburg

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Franke & Thomsen Projekt- und Baumanagement GmbH

Neuer Wall 57
20354 Hamburg

Telefon: +49 (0)40-30069880